June 8th – Chicago (CST) – GMT – 6hr, EST +1
WGC Open Congress
WBA & Wi-Fi Alliance Joint Executive Plenary / Wi-Fi Driving Digital Growth & Innovation
Moderator: Edgar Figueora – CEO, Wi-Fi Alliance
9:00 AM (CDT)
Welcome address – CEO Wireless Broadband Alliance
Tiago Rodrigues, CEO, Wireless Broadband Alliance

9:45 AM (CDT)
Connecting to the Metaverse
Bruno Cendon Martin, Senior Director of Wireless Technologies, Meta

10:05 AM (CDT)
The Importance of Wi-Fi Technology in an after-pandemic world
Ing. Alejandro Navarrete Torres, Head of Radiospectrum Unit, Federal Telecommunications Institute, Mexico

10:25 AM (CDT)
Working with the FBI in a wireless world: What you can expect from the FBI.
Jaykumar Patel, Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation

10:45 AM (CDT)
Moderator: Tiago Rodrigues – CEO, Wireless Broadband Alliance
11:10 AM (CDT)
How is wireless convergence helping to create smart buildings in Chicago
Dr Derek Peterson, CTO, Boingo Wireless
Mark Hauser, Project Manager, Magellan Development Group

11:35 AM (CDT)
Wi-Fi 6E momentum enables Wi-Fi 7 transition and use case evolution.
Eric McLaughlin, Intel

11:55 AM (CDT)
Trends and Disruptions driving Next Generation Wireless
Matt MacPherson, Wireless CTO, Cisco

12:15 PM (CDT)
Operator Perspective: What Wi-Fi needs to deliver to meet customer demand
JR Wilson, Chairman, WBA, and Vice President Tower Strategy & Roaming, AT&T

12:30 PM (CDT)
Wi-Fi Opportunities for Operators & Service providers
Moderator: Dean Bubley – Founder and Director, Disruptive Analysis
1:45 PM (CDT)
Wi-Fi, Service Providers & The Edge-Computing Landscape
Dean Bubley, Founder and Director, Disruptive Analysis

2:05 PM (CDT)
Building new Business Opportunities with Wi-Fi
Christian Nascimento, Vice President – Product Management & Strategy, Comcast

2:20 PM (CDT)
OpenRoaming can unleash Wifi Roaming Like Cellular Roaming for MNO´s in Airplanes
Dr. Angelos Mavridis, Senior Manager Wi-Fi, Deutsche Telekom

2:55 PM (CDT)
Improving the Customer Experience through Automated and Network-Agnostic Application-Aware Traffic Management
Ike Elliott, President & CEO, Kyrio

3:15 PM (CDT)
Panel: Emerging Opportunities in the Operator and Service provider Space & How to address the roadblocks
Christian Nascimento – Comcast; Matt MacPherson – Cisco; Derek Peterson – Boingo; Bernard Herscovici – NetExperience

3:40 PM (CDT)
Wi-Fi for In Home/ Smart Home, Residential & Mixed Use Buildings
Moderator: Tiago Rodrigues – CEO, Wireless Broadband Alliance
4:05 PM (CDT)
Future of Wi-Fi in the Home
Metin Taskin, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Airties

4:25 PM (CDT)
Unlocking the true potential of WiFi 6/6E through cloud Management and Machine Learning
Bill McFarland, CTO, Plume

4:45 PM (CDT)
Connected living and working experiences: Converged IT and IoT will change the fortunes of MDU stakeholders
Morne Erasmus, Director Market Development, CommScope

5:05 PM (CDT)
Securing New Opportunities in the Wi-Fi Sensing Market
Chris Beg, Analog Designer; Geordie Hagermann, Executive Vice President, Commercialization; Josh Redmore, Principal Architect, Cognitive Systems