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Angelos Mavridis

Senior Manager Wi-Fi Roaming, Deutsche Telekom


Angelos has been since twelve years the Wi-Fi Roaming Manager of Deutsche Telekom as main contact for roaming on the Wi-Fi networks of DT in Austria, Germany, Lufthansa lounges and in Airlines as well as for DT´s Wi-Fi roaming Aggregation Platform. With more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications working for Detecon, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, and Deutsche Telekom in Germany he is representing the Deutsche Telekom group in WBA already for nine years and is the bridge to his colleagues active in GSMA and in the European Aviation Network (EAN). In 2014 and 2015 he was co-leader of the Interoperability Compliance Programme (ICP) of the WBA. With his managing experience of R&D projects co-funded by the European Union he has been further involved by the European Commission in the selection and in the review of R&D projects in Internet Technology, eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living for 20 years. Angelos is IEEE member and holds a Dipl.-Ing. degree in Telecommunications and a Doctor degree in Computer Science.

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